Everything and everybody communicates. Each expression of communication is a vital element of a brands identity and personality. Sharpen the communication with your internal team before distributing your message to the masses. Corporate communication is crucial to driving company objectives and ensuring a cohesive…
Hi Everyone! I’m back from another multi-official-language destination and it was a blast, I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Especially since it’s a place you probably don’t hear about too often. Its Kazakhstan! You wouldn’t have guessed that right? So, just…
What comes to mind when you imagine a glamorous career? Movie stars? High profile CEOs? Secret agents? Or perhaps a globe-trotting interpreter or translator? The last option may not have immediately come to mind for the readers here in the United States but there…
This year’s hurricane season has been absolutely relentless. It started with Harvey’s destruction in Texas and soon after, Irma, Jose, and Maria charged through the Caribbean and up the east coast of the United States. Meanwhile, Mexico has suffered multiple earthquakes that have resulted…
Hey Everyone, Terpii here and I’m excited to fill you all in about my recent travels! Lately I’ve been very interested in countries that exist with more than one national language so I’ve decided to hop around and check them out myself. I especially…
A Beginner’s Guide To American Sign Language & ASL Interpreting
We discuss spoken languages frequently on this blog and today we are addressing a very important subject that we feel more language service companies such as ourselves should discuss more often. We at iTi will continue to cover this subject in more detail moving…
Have you ever wondered what this cute little creature is doing on our website? Well, let me introduce you to Terpii! Terpii is a coquí, a small frog native to Puerto Rico. Though these little guys usually aren’t much bigger than a quarter, this…
If you’re a frequent reader of this blog you remember that last year we did a three-part series of emojis (see the links below). This year, in the rapidly evolving world of translation, we need an update. Do you think of emojis as a…