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What ever lawyer needs to know before hiring a translation agency
Document Translation Legal

What Every Lawyer Should Know Before Hiring a Translation Agency

In a global economy with increasing language diversity, attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals are running into more interpreting and translation needs. Here’s a checklist of some important translation and interpretation information for the legal community: Understand how culture affects legal cases Cultural differences…

July 15, 2017
successfully prepare for translation services
Document Translation

Successfully Prepare For Your Translation Projects

Your company takes pride in its products, services, and professionalism. Consider the time, costs, and effort that goes into running a successful business. When you need translation services for a current client or new strategic direction, the same qualification should also be held for…

May 9, 2017
Companies with Killer Localized Websites
Website And Software Localization

Companies With Killer Localized Websites

When looking to enter a new foreign market, website localization is key to success. Websites are typically a consumers first impression of a brand and without a great website, most potential customers will most likely leave quickly and move on to the competition. Globalization has presented…

March 30, 2017